Saturday, February 29, 2020

Business Capstone Project Process Perspective

The current literature consists of developing a prehensive literature review regarding the topic â€Å"What factors influence the purchase of organic food ways Rosebery residents in Sydney NSW?† In the present literature, the three different hypothesises have been framed by the researcher to evaluate the topic critically. At the same time, the strengths and weakness have been mentioned by the scholar as well. Altogether three problems have been framed to cover the current literature review. The three different phrases used in the current research are as follows: The current thesis statement of the study is â€Å"The demographic and social factors are the primary drivers behind the increased organic food purchase intention of the Rosebery Residents in Sydney NSW.† The current organic food consumption pattern of the Rosebery Residents in Sydney NSW: Hypothesis: The organic food consumption pattern in Rosebery Residents is increasing The organic food consumers in Australia are increasing drastically. Smithand Paladino (2010) stated that the segmentation had been based upon the demographic factors such as food oriented lifestyles, attitudes towards organic food and the frequency of the purchasing the organic food. The socioeconomic profile of the organic food consumer indicates that the customers reach the age 30s and have no children intends to purchase organic food for the betterment of the health (Kriwy and Mecking, 2011). Also, more than 44.1% of women respondents prefer to consume certified organic food pared to the 33.8% of the men (Lyons, 2006). On the other hand, the Australian food news also indicates that the Australian certified retail market is expected to continue growth in the organic food production (Lobo et al. 2013). The website also states that 69% of the primary shoppers prefer to bring at least one certified organic products in the past one year (ausfoodnews .au, 2016). It has also been estimated that the Australian organic market is now estimated to be worth $200 million. The Australian food news also indicates that Australia has one of the largest natural lands in the world, which is more than 22 million hectares (ausfoodnews .au, 2016). Between the FY 2011-2014, there had been a 53% increase in certified organic land area. The food department of Australia also states that the consumption pattern in the organic food is framing a record growth across all regions of Australia (Zepeda and Deal, 2009). On the other hand, the past literature also indicates that around 60% of the customers purchase organic products (ausfoodnews .au, 2016). However, the overall sales volume of the organic product is less than 1%. In this regards Agnieszka HÅ‚obiÅ‚ (2010) stated that the consumption of organic food products varies from one region to another due to the changes in the preferences of the consumers. Maye et al. (2007) also stated that the consumption pattern is fluctuating in nature. The article also provides a parative study regarding the trend of conventional and organic farming to improve the health sustainability of the munity. This study indirectly links the impact of producing a greater degree of biological products on the consumption pattern of the city (Wood et al. 2006). It has been identified that the production of the organic products is prioritised to reduce the environmental impacts that occur from the manufacture of the conventional products (Grà ¸nhà ¸j, 2006). Thus, the availability of more organic product will automatically redirect the customers to shift into the purchase of natural products. Hypothesis: The organic food purchase pattern in Rosebery Residents is increasing: The current journal indicates that people from the 50-69 years age group prefer to buy organic foods. On the other hand, it has been identified that most 10.3% of the overall Australian population purchases organic foods from the retailers (Thoegersen, 2006). However, Pearson Et al. (2010) stated that survey report published in FY 2016 indicates that almost 57.7% of the customers rarely purchase the organic food, due to the cost involvement and taste factors. Mainly taste and health protection have been identified as the prime motivators for a definite purchase intention of the organic food. Also, the current journal also indicates that more than 70% of the total population somewhat interested in buying organic foods, while 10.4% consumers are not at all interested to buy the organic food. Therefore, the strength of the current literature is its descriptive analysis regarding the consumer purchase pattern for the organic foods. Overall methodological aspects have also been mentioned explicitly. On the other hand, the report published by the Age innovators also indicates that the organic grain production has been increased by 20%, and the sales value has improved by 67% (, 2016). Thus, it is evident that the consumer purchase pattern is growing towards the organic food products (Paul and Rana, 2012). The Australian Organics Market Report 2014 draws on six years of parative consumer data gathered by the Mobium Group indicates that   Australian customers are aware regarding the fruitfulness of the organic products and improved the purchase intention as well. Therefore, it can be considered as a major strength of the source. The data gathered from the organic food production report also indicates that the certified organic operators in NSW have been increased from 688 to 1068 within a span of 10 years starting from the FY 2002-FY2011 (austorganic , 2016).The value of the organic market sector is also 25% in the NSW, which is the second largest in the overall country (Karlse et al. 2013). The consumer purchase intention is found greatest in the Queensland region, followed by the NSW (, 2016). Finally, natural news states that the Australian organic food market gets 15% increment each year due to the changing purchase pattern of the consumers (www.naturalnews , 2016). The certified organic products are preferred by the majority of the customers. Hypothesis: The demographic, food quality and health issues are the primary drivers for consuming natural food products The analysis of the past literature indicates that the perceived food quality and the demographic factors significantly influence the purchase intention towards the natural food product. In this context, Monier et al. (2013) stated that the intrinsic quality cues depict the freshness of the outputs, which attracts the customer towards the product. On the other hand, Paladino and Baggiere (2008) stated that the ageing population is also an important factor for influencing the customer purchase intention towards the organic products. However, the environmental concerns and the animal right issues are also impacting to a large extent on the natural food shopping behaviour. The literature regarding the Transtheoretical model of changing behaviour also indicates that positive buying behaviour of a region influences other munity to opt for the similar health products (, 2016). The purchase conduct of the Queensland munity has affected the inhabitants of NSW, due to which the purchase intention has been increased from the previous scenario.   Also, the majority of mid age customers prefers to consume organic food products to resolve the health issues. The overall purchase intention has b e 35%, which was lesser in the FY 2012-2014 (, 2016). Therefore, the demographic, social and health related issues significantly influence the organic product purchase behaviour of the munity of NSW. The current study indicates that every hypothesis has been justified by utilising a set of past literature and the online sources. Different sources have been used as secondary data to cover the current literature. Considering the first hypothesis, the journals and articles used have been fund potential enough to address the hypothesis. No such major weakness has been found in the current article as the present appetite for the organic food has been demonstrated concerning facts and past data. However, the data source mentioning the petitive study among the production of biological and conventional food fails to satisfy the hypothesis. This is the weakness of the data. However, the current literature significantly discussed the organic food consumption pattern of the developed countries including Australia. Thus, the availability of the facts can be considered a major strength of the secondary sources. While addressing the second hypothesis, it has been identified that every source potentially discusses regarding the purchase pattern of the consumers of NSW towards the organic food products. Therefore, it could be considered as the primary strength of the journals. On the other hand, no such weakness has been observed from the secondary sources that have been used to satisfy the second hypothesis. Finally, the address of hypothesis three has been made in a potential way. The majority of the sources also provides a longitudinal study related to the demographic and social factors influencing the overall purchase behaviour towards the organic products. Also, these resources also adequately address the behavioural insights of the inhabitants of NSW towards buying the organic food products. The overall methodological perspectives and the data analysis have been made in a potential way to address the current thesis statement. Therefore, the overall hypothesis analysis indicates that the current thesis statement has been addressed in the current study. (No Date) Available at: /WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=10737422837 (Accessed: 31 August 2016). (No Date) Available at: https://www.naturalnews /048100_organic_food_GMOs_Australia.html (Accessed: 31 August 2016). Agnieszka HÅ‚obiÅ‚, K. (2010), â€Å"Ecological education for sustainable development – theory and practice†, Problems of Sustainable Development, 5(2), pp. 87-94 Biological Farmers of Australia Ltd (2012) Australian organic market report 2012 1. Available at: https://austorganic /wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Organic-market-report-2012-web.pdf (Accessed: 31 August 2016). Design (2016) Australia’s appetite for organic foods at record levels. Available at: https://ausfoodnews .au/2014/12/10/australias-appetite-for-organic-foods-at-record-levels.html (Accessed: 31 August 2016). Grà ¸nhà ¸j, A. (2006), munication about consumption: a family process perspective on ‘green’ consumer practices†, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 5(6), pp. 491-503 Karlsen, K.M., Dreyer, B., Olsen, P. and Elvevoll, E.O. (2013) ‘Literature review: Does a mon theoretical framework to implement food traceability exist?’, Food Control, 32(2), pp. 409–417. Kriwy, P. and Mecking, R. (2011). Health and environmental consciousness, costs of behaviour and the purchase of organic food.  International Journal of Consumer Studies, 36(1), pp.30-37. Lobo, A., Mascitelli, B. and Chen, J. (2013). Opportunities for small and medium enterprises in the innovation and marketing of organic food: investigating consumers’ purchase behaviour of organic food products in Victoria, Australia.  AI & Soc, 29(3), pp.311-322. Lyons, K. (2006) ‘Environmental values and food choices: Views from Australian organic food consumers’, Journal of Australian Studies, 30(87), pp. 155–166. Maye, D., Holloway, L. and Kneafsey, M. (2007). Alternative food geographies. Amsterdam: Elsevier. Monier, S., Hassan, D., Nichà ¨le, V. and Simioni, M. (2013) ‘Organic food consumption patterns: Journal of agricultural & food industrial organization’, Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization, 7(2), pp. 12–28. Paladino, A. and Baggiere, J. (2008), â€Å"Are we ‘green’? An empirical investigation of renewable electricity consumption†, European Advances in Consumer Research, 8, pp. 340 Paul, J. and Rana, J. (2012) ‘Consumer behavior and purchase intention for organic food’, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(6), pp. 412–422. Pearson, L.J., Park, S., Harman, B. and Heyenga, S. (2010) ‘Sustainable land use scenario framework: Framework and ou es from peri-urban south-east Queensland, Australia’, Landscape and Urban Planning, 96(2), pp. 88–97. Smith, S. and Paladino, A. (2010) ‘Eating clean and green? Investigating consumer motivations towards the purchase of organic food’, Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), 18(2), pp. 93–104. Thoegersen, J. (2006), â€Å"Media attention and the market for ‘green’ consumer products†, Business Strategy and the Environment, V15(3), pp. 20-50 White, M. (no date) 6 booming Australian organics sectors – $1.7 Billion reasons to get in the market. Available at: (Accessed: 31 August 2016). Wood, R., Lenzen, M., Dey, C. and Lundie, S. (2006) ‘A parative study of some environmental impacts of conventional and organic farming in Australia’, Agricultural Systems, 89(2-3), pp. 324–348. Zepeda, L. and Deal, D. (2009). Organic and local food consumer behaviour: Alphabet Theory.  International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33(6), pp.697-705. Getting academic assistance from

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Investment in human assets and the effect of the human behavior to the Essay

Investment in human assets and the effect of the human behavior to the auditing process - Essay Example Human capital is the stock of skills and knowledge possessed by individuals that eventually helps to perform labor, generating economic value ("Human Capital," par.1). Labor not only refers to the physical work done in the production phase (which is replaceable), but also encompasses all work done by an employee in course of his job for the entity. Ultimately, it is the ingenuity and hard work of the people that profits the business. Rating people as real investment is a very viable argument since they are using their skills to work for prosperity of the entity. It makes sense to invest more in training and development of the human assets in an organization, to conduct workshops and to offer them motivational incentives as in the long run, the money spent on them is expected to give a return easily in access of the incurred expense. However, putting a financial value to human assets is just not that easy. Financial managers can recognize handy investments; decisions to switch to new procedures, acquiring new equipment or strategic mergers can be evaluated using financial and non-financial models. Human resource investments, one of the most vital assets of a company are difficult to value though. This is because unlike machines and projects, one can't reliably predict the future events and behavior of a person and neither can it reliably calculate the benefit that a person could bring to the company. Moreover, it is also difficult to attribute an accurate proportion of revenue to a particular employee to measure how a company's investment on that employee is paying off. As a result, training and development allocations are often neglected in the budgeting process and are likely to be the first costs that are to be cut when faced with a budget crunch (Clarke, par.2). Many officers and managers see costs incurred on humans in the form of payroll, added benefits, training and development simply as an unavoidable expense that must be controlled. This approach is contrary to the idea that people are the actual perpetrators of a company's growth and profitability. They miss the link between their employee's deeds and the customer's perception of the entity. Even while this happens, organizations have realized the need for employee training and the need for continuing professional development. Investing in people also has other factors, some of them which do not relate to budgeting. In the recent years, there have been many scandals of fraud and negligence from service providers, especially when you talk about Medical Care and the issue of compliance with laws and regulations. In these areas, it is absolutely necessary to make sure the employees understand their responsibilities and know to whom they, and the organization as a whole is accountable. Thi s is more important for organizations involved in HealthCare to view their staff as investments because heavy expenditure must be incurred to make sure the staff is compliant with standards and hygiene and competency standards as their actions would directly affect people that place reliance on the organization. Investment in this regard could save organizations millions of

Saturday, February 1, 2020

What are three reasons why students fail university-level classes 3 Essay

What are three reasons why students fail university-level classes 3 reasons why they pass - Essay Example If they love their course enough, they will study that hard, or even discover more things in order for them to learn more. This means learning must have become the primary concern for them. Students who aim for higher learning are making it good especially in their class performance (Hunt 83). Second, those students who pass university classes are setting for themselves vital goals for them to achieve. This means that it will be harder for them to be involved in some sort of distractions, as going to school and learning things have become their primary considerations why they are in school in the first place. Another potential reason why students pass university classes is because they have the specific level of intelligence required to understand and pass the course. With this in mind, they will be able to pass exams, actively participate and be involved in class discussions and so